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Mosques and Monuments

Kastamonu Castle
Kastamonu Kalesi
Merkez - Atabeygazi
East North
033.76972 41.37472
Ismail Bey Complex
İsmail Bey Külliyesi
Merkez - İsmailbey
East North
033.77741 41.38419
Nasrullah Kadi Mosque
Nasrullah Kadı Cami
Merkez - Hepkebirler
East North
033.77531 41.37726
Pompeiopolis Ancient City
Pompeiopolis Antik Kenti
Taşköprü - Musalla
East North
034.21544 41.52049
Mahmud Bey Mosque
Mahmud Bey Camii
Merkez - Kasaba
East North
033.68463 41.47971
kerampe lantern
Kerempe Feneri
Cide - Aydıncık
East North
033.33827 42.01654